Dr D’s Diagnosis

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You need a large bulldog with larger teeth

# Chapter 346

It feels great helping people. There are times, when I truly wish that I could do far more. The hater situation that I was writing about yesterday is worse than I thought. He clearly hasn’t stopped his spite-filled self-righteous ways. Any resistance to his unsubstantiated accusations is considered a personal attack on the hater and any capitulation/compromise/cooperation is considered an admission of guilt - meaning there is no adult response possible. The hater becomes the accuser, the jury and the judge and executioner. When things get bogged down, he brings in his “peacekeepers” (I kid you not, they are actually called that!) who are purported to be independent objective neutral mediators and are in fact just henchmen directly employed by the hater’s parent org and the “peacekeepers” make you doubt your sanity and perspective and what actually happened in the past.

Once these peacekeeper gorillas are deployed you are well over half way to a public execution. What do you mean you didn’t do anything wrong? Where are your accusers? Honestly it doesn’t matter if you actually have accusers or not, it doesn’t matter if you are guilty or not, all that matters in this twisted version of Nightmare on Elm St is that the hater has a mission, and basically unlimited power to bring down the foe. You are the foe. I don’t know why someone has unleashed this bulldog on you, but they have and there is no putting him back in his cage until he has savaged you. You need a bigger bulldog. Be wise in which one you choose. Whether its God alone, the legal system, or a ferocious refusal to cooperate, may they have large large teeth.