how much would you pay?

I wonder how much you might be willing to pay to see you daughter graduate from High School? I mean let's face, most of you drive down to the local high school and see your kid graduate, right? I only wish!

For us, we have been apart from her for the majority of her 12 years of school. You see her basically for 3 months out of each year. You have parented from afar. Cheered her on via email. Called her on the phone at $3 a minute when she was in 2nd grade. Made yearly costly trips to Germany to see her and encourage her. You have have done all of these, yet you cannot afford any of this. It's more painful than words can express to be apart. But she is worth every cent!

Finally grade 12 comes, as well as senior trip, AP English trip, Junior Senior Banquet, Graduation trip, all part of the wonderful advantages of going to school in Europe, all expensive. I am talking your language here, you are paying or have paid the same for your kids. They are completely worth it. You do not resent a nickel.

You have seen them grow and change and slowly but surely turn into young adults along the way. Now in 8 days, she will be heading off to college. It is hard to comprehend how my little girl became this young woman.

But to see her graduate, how much would pay? How far would you travel? What effort would you put forth? Just to see her graduate, how much? $200? $400? $1000? Just to see her graduate? Try $1400 . . . we did . . . and it was worth every penny. And I will do it again for Jake and again for Helen, and I am sure it will be worth every penny again and again. Plus we drove 4000 kilometers . . . and we will do it again and again. I just feel sorry for those who live even farther away like the Russia and Turkey teams. But how much would you pay?