gas-prices around the world

As you can see from the gas graph below, the cheapest gas in the world today (7/19/06) only costs .12 cents a gallon (yes you can still buy gas for .12 cents a gallon), while the other extreme is $6.99 per gallon. I think I am going to move to the .12 cent a gallon country. Here in Macedonia diesel was $4.43 a gallon today. That is quite enough thank you very much!

I think we can expect the prices to only go up up up. There is no end in sight . . . no end in sight for the Afghan and Iraq struggles, no end in sight for the Israeli struggles. I think we can safely plan on paying more and more for fuel. Or as people here are doing even more than usual, hoofing it or cycling wherever they are heading. On the other hand, if you live in a rural area, it is more difficult to go without a car. Since we live in the capital city, we almost never use a car unless the trip is at least several miles of travel. I think far more of us could do without constant car travel with some creative thinking on our part. And I long since discovered that I can get around town just as fast (if not faster!) on my bike than crawling through car traffic.

While I am no tree hugger, it is only logical to understand that crude oil is a non-renewable resource. That means that there is an end to it, and it may be closer than we think. I live in a high pollution part of the world. OSHA is just a fantasy here. I for one will be thankful for the reduction in air pollution when people drive less, but I will miss the quick international travel that we have today.