Technology failures in the hairy armpit

This was not a good day for electronics in Eastern Europe. I got up early to go to the police station (see previous blog) and spent an hour working before going there and all was well. Came home and the router was blown out completely, e.g. dead dead dead. So off the the store to get a new one . . . ouch! $200 plus dollars for a router . . . why do electronics cost so much more here? Anyhoo, thank the Lord that I could even get one!

And then tonight in the middle of working on a sermon for this weekend, my Palm dies! And we are talking about completely dead here, not partially dead, not comatose, not in pain, dead pure and simple dead. As in nothing happens at all under any circumstance no matter what you try. Now I have to figure out a way to get that silly piece of equipment back to the States so that I can get another one (since it is still under warranty). Unfortunately I use this Palm everyday, and in multiple ways, e.g. I do my devo’s on this girl everyday, write most of my blogs when stuck in traffic, reference calendars, contacts and to-do’s all throughout the day. I am going to have to figure out a different way to work my information issues and data issues now. What a total drag . . . it will take six months for me to work everything out again and get up and running.

This is what it is like having technology failures in the hairy armpit of the earth. I had a good friend Jeff write me recently about a “scare” that they had with some computer glitch or something. I told him, it’s not a “scare” when you are living in the good ‘ole USA. It’s a nightmare when you are living here though. FedEx wants $54.00 to send the palm to the States! Yikes, it’s a good thing that I am patient enough to compensate for not being rich.

I am so glad that God does not use nor need electronics to keep heaven and us going. What a terrible gig it would be to died, approach the Pearly Gates and find out you have to wait to come in because of some computer glitch or some silly thing like that! Can you imagine? I am further pleased to report that although the power was out this morning, that my prayers still worked fine. There are no technology failures in heaven. Aren’t you glad?