Evil Saints?
Here we have saints for the house (and you sacrifice an animal and place the bones in the cornerstone of the house), each person has their personal saint, and there are saints for half a dozen other things as well. The way you choose your house saint is, you go to the local priest, and he takes the book of saints and opens it randomly three times and you can choose any one of those three saints that the priest open up to, as your personal house/home saint.
Now we have met more people than we can count, who have had their saints come to them in dreams and have now begun terrorizing them and introducing them to more “saints”. We know people who have had these demons come into their rooms and terrorize them!
As Brenda is teaching women leaders from all across the hairy armpit, she also has been mentoring them in between teaching times. One of the ladies she was with today, handed Brenda her homework and said to Brenda, “I have come to realize from the Scriptures that celebrating the saint day for the house and the saint day for our name saint, and all these pagan celebrations are in direct opposition to serving the living God, but Brenda, I am afraid to stop the saint days!”
We met people every week who have St. Peter, or St Petra (his feminine equivalent) come to them in dreams, demanding service, introducing more spirits, etc, etc. When these people meet the living God, the horrible nature of these “Saints” are exposed. I don’t often ask you to do this, but please stop and pray that people will be freed from bondage here, and have their spiritual eyes opened. Unfortunately, few people find Jesus in this part of the world, but everyone has a Saint.
Now we have met more people than we can count, who have had their saints come to them in dreams and have now begun terrorizing them and introducing them to more “saints”. We know people who have had these demons come into their rooms and terrorize them!
As Brenda is teaching women leaders from all across the hairy armpit, she also has been mentoring them in between teaching times. One of the ladies she was with today, handed Brenda her homework and said to Brenda, “I have come to realize from the Scriptures that celebrating the saint day for the house and the saint day for our name saint, and all these pagan celebrations are in direct opposition to serving the living God, but Brenda, I am afraid to stop the saint days!”
We met people every week who have St. Peter, or St Petra (his feminine equivalent) come to them in dreams, demanding service, introducing more spirits, etc, etc. When these people meet the living God, the horrible nature of these “Saints” are exposed. I don’t often ask you to do this, but please stop and pray that people will be freed from bondage here, and have their spiritual eyes opened. Unfortunately, few people find Jesus in this part of the world, but everyone has a Saint.