
Sometimes everything in life seems to have a charge connected to it. It feels like you have to pay for each part of living. And the expense just keeps growing more and higher each year. But not everything costs . . . somethings are reciprocal, and some are actually free in life.

I am one of those people that enjoys all three for the most part. For instance, I don’t mind paying for an excellent meal in an excellent food joint! In fact, come live in the Hairy Armpit for a while and your appreciation that you have a fine food joint available will provide an extra intensity to your appreciation. Last night, the pastor here in Butler took us out to Red Lobster, along with his wife and daughter, and although I did not pay for the meal, it was worth paying for, and in fact I would have been glad to have paid for it.

Some things are reciprocal. Friendship is one of those. But the best ones feel free. Kimmy is like that . . . it is reciprocal, but no one is really keeping count. He and I have just made a commitment to being together as much and as frequently as possible. We have made a commitment of trust (I bought a house sight unseen based on his recommendation and he has access to all my money . . . OK that is not much, but he actually has my checkbook!) He has often told me that I only need to ask, and whatever I need is available. I am pretty sure he knows that the reverse is true . . . it is reciprocal, but it feels free . . . but the fact that we both nurture the relationship shows that it is really not free. But in truth, no one in the CMA has a better friend.

Some things actually are free. For instance the wireless internet I am using at this moment in the Pittsburgh airport is free . . . or at least it appears to be so. I am not paying a direct charge for it. I may be paying an indirect charge for it through the cost of the ticket or something like that . . . yet some things, are really free. This morning at 6:45 am the sun burst forward in brilliance over the horizon in Butler . . . and the montage of amazing colors that preceded it, the white snow, blood-red horizon, cobalt blue sky were free . . . and glorious. God knows how to paint a landscape.