International Travel

It is a bit bumpy on this ride. Riding through wind currents and trade winds and the jet stream at 600 miles an hour can be bumpy. In fact it's making this blog a bit difficult to write, or at least difficult to hit the correct keys. Wait a second while I get my seatbelt back on . . . there, that is safer. Hopefully the iPad and the keyboard won't go flying and hit some unfortunately person in the head or something.

But in terms of time, nothing comes close, bumps aside. There is no other way to get from Amsterdam to Atlanta in 8.5 hours. Almost 5000 miles and most of the folks were complaining. They should try swimming next time, or even using a jet ski or ship or submarine, and they would quickly find that KLM is a far superior option in the big scheme of things. Now if only I was one of those people who could sleep for hours and hours on a plane, that would be outstanding! Make an astounding stretch of distance seem even much shorter!

Spiritual journeys are like International Travel in few ways. There is the exotic food, and perhaps the close proximity to some strange looking and acting people, but spiritual journeys are not about the destination nearly as much as they are about travel itself. The movement from one level of maturity and understanding to an new and different level is the point of a spiritual journey, not always where you are going as much as how you are going. International Travel is about how to get from point A to point B with the least amount of time, money and discomfort possible. Spiritual journeys are about tastes, textures, experiences, failures, growth and maturing. Very different trips indeed. Oh by the way, they both can be quite bumpy at times. Better put on your seatbelt.