Difficult decisions

As a leadership consultant and CEO, I have a number of pet concepts that have withstood the test of time. My number one concept is, “Under promise, over deliver.” You see plenty of that idea in many of my blogs. Another one, no less common unfortunately but far less inspiring is, “Someone has to be the adult.” My kids especially hate it when I pull that one out, but the leaders I work like it no more than the kids.

But it is oh so true. Everyone wants to be a leader, but almost no one wants to make leadership level decisions. Because they are always difficult decisions. Decisions that no one wants to make. Heck if they were easy, someone would have already made the decision! The non-leaders can be as reckless and immature as they want, but the leaders, they have to do the right thing for the right reason without any luxury of what he or she wants. Difficult decisions. Someone has to be the adult. If you are the leader, that would be you.