Heart stopping surprise
This morning started out normal enough. I got up and prepared myself for my morning bike ride. After stretching out and doing crunches, I was preparing to turn off the air conditioner before I went out for my ride. I had my finger on the off button, when the entire balcony lit up with tremendous arcs of electricity. The flash of electricity and the tremendous noise was overwhelming. Somehow I thought I had blown up my air conditioner compressor which was on my balcony. This blinding flash scared me so badly, I dropped the air conditioning remote. I shielded my eyes and covered my ears. I was certain my brand-new air conditioner had just exploded to Smitherins. Then the power went completely out on the entire block.
After recovering my wits a little bit, I realize that my air conditioner had not exploded. Instead one of the local transformers had melted down and arced tremendously. Needless to say everyone in the entire condominium was now awake whether they wanted to be or not.
The adrenaline jolt for me personally was a real shock to my system. For 30 seconds I was convinced that I had caused the entire explosion. But I had nothing to do with it. It only seemed that way because the proximity of my finger on the power off button of the air conditioning remote. The synergy of that moment of touching the off button and the arcs of blinging electricity convinced me that I had "done it". But I hadn't.
Now if I only knew what the lesson I should learn from this is . . . .