Too hot to be used

Yesterday I got a message on my phone that I had never seen before. It said that the "iPhone was too hot and could not be used at the moment" or something similar and it had a thermometer icon there showing red. Of course I would need the phone at that exact moment to determine if we were heading in the wrong direction or not! Thats what I get for leaving the phone in the sun. And I was very surprised to hear that almost everyone in the group that I was with at that moment had received similar messages on their phones or iPads, because this was a first for me. In Asia, my iPads get very hot.

I think we often allow our lives to get overclock, over-revved and over-heated too, and we can't really function until the temperature comes down to a manageable level. Self care and self awareness are at least two ways to stay on top of this problem and PTA - protect the asset - you and me. We need to monitor how hot our lives are getting and take appropriate steps to keep them in the prime operating range, in our high performance range. We can't expect to bring our best selves in the arena in our leadership if we don't watch the stovetop and make sure things aren't boiling over.