Science is not what you thought it was . . .

In my previous blog I mentioned that I very deliberately surround myself with A level people. In this blog today and in the next one I hope to show what I gain from doing so.

One of the A level people I surround myself with, focused me in a brilliant manner last week. He pointed me to a Godin blog (which I had already read) but his take on it blew me away. The blog he redirected my attention toward can be found here, Seth explaining what Science is an and what it isn't . . . as only Seth can do folks. 

As I said, I read Seth's blog each and every day, right after I read the Scriptures, and just as religiously. But it did not resonate with me. I did not save it to Evernote nor did I tag any clients with this bit of wisdom.

But then this A level person texts me while he is on a trip somewhere out there, and he is having his own daily PTA time (Protect The Asset time - read Essentialism by McKeown if you are foolishly ignorant of this critical idea) and he helped me see that what I do each day in The Leadership Development Group is precisely this "Science" it its truest and most real form. A lesser person would have glossed over the article . . . like I did. There are very very good reasons to surround yourself with A level people.