Too much of a good thing?

There is a consistent stream of thought in the leadership world, that those who work the smartest are those who take excellent care of themselves so that they can perform at optimum levels for the maximum long haul. That doesn't necessarily mean working more, but it definitely means working better.

These last three days in Malta have been the best days ever. Except for sleep, I gorged on everything - friendships, conversations, working out, meetings, prayer, food and drink, cigars and thinking. The old me would have felt totally guilty for indulging in all these things, the new me understands that this is actually and practically, top of the line, world class PTA - Protecting The Asset - and I am the Asset.

Is there too much of a good thing? I don't know, and honestly am not sure if that is the right question. Perhaps the question is "is there enough of the good things in order to do a proper smash-up job of self-care in a caustic and demanding world?" So yeah, I crammed a bunch of them in over the last 48 hours or so, but seeing how I am feeling energetic, powerful, creative, in the zone, grateful, empowered, hopeful, thankful, and spiritually strong, I would say that there is no such thing as too much of a good thing.