Careful to not let it touch your lips
Careful to not let it touch your lips
There are some wonderfully hot things in Asia, and some that you might need to be extra careful with as you experiment with them. The "pic-nam-blough " can be particularly deadly. And then I have found there is one level even above that, which I don't have an official Thai word for, but I privately call it thermonuclear.
I had that for breakfast recently with my fish and rice. There were so many peppers in there I could not see where the fish started and where the peppers ended. It was wonderful, unless you let it touch your lips. If you do that, expect 10-20 minutes of numb useless nerve endings that have been rendered unresponsive by the thousands of Scoville heat units assaulting them. I learned that I had better eat my pie first if I actually want to taste it. Then again I often eat my pie first, and last. Regardless, enjoy all the spicyness of what life has to offer, but be careful with the lips.