Totally awesome change-the-world tech

Totally awesome change the world tech

I have accomplished more in 40 minutes on this airplane, than I did in the last 10 days combined. And I only used 4% of available battery power to do it. You gotta love tech like that. I could have pulled the laptop, but that goes through battery like a fire through gasoline. The iPad Pro, oh dude! All day working on this thing. The only limitation here is my imagination - and ok, that is actually pretty limited, but the tech isn't holding me back.

So I have jumped on four blogs on the first leg of my journey. That is huge, because the last three weeks I haven't had a single second to write a thing, and when I am too busy to write, then I am too busy period. What that really means is that I am too busy to think, and that has far deadlier ramifications. When I am not thinking first and foremost, then I am responding, and that generally leads to paths I had rather not travel. Not only that, responding to everything is just a tiny step above being a consumer, the bottom dregs of a life not worth living.

Instead, to be the designer of your life. It requires boldness and risk and that difficult "no" to everyone else's agendas. Stop living their lives. Start living yours. The tech is available. You are here now. Do it!