What you love will change and be gone soon enough

What you love will change and be gone soon enough

There are many nostalgic things surrounding me while visiting here with my dad. They don't exist any longer, they are firmly in the past and only memories. Almost none of the things that I fondly remember from my childhood are possible in the present, 50 years later. Wow, that's a big number!

This will be each person's personal experience, if they live long enough. It is inevitable. The only constant is change. So what does that mean for today? Well at the very least it means that the things I love today, will also be not longer available in the future. It is that kind of change - the irreversible type. I can come to love new and exciting things, like my grandchildren, but the people, values, challenges, problems, sicknesses, politics, population density, landscape, weather, as well as the possibilities are all different than when I was a boy, and no matter what your age is today, the changes you see it a typical lifespan will be enormous. 

That is a great opportunity or a horrible reality - it mostly depends on your mindset. You decide. Everyday.