Thought leader
Thought leader?
There is no designation more sought after in my professional world. None more difficult to accomplish either. But few make the space, nor create the time, necessary to actually think, which if you give it a moment, is a necessary predicate to being a thought leader. Believe this or not, I actually work dillengently at making room for thinking. I own no TV. I never listen to the radio. I try to reserve as much mental bandwidth as possible for thinking. And it still is not nearly enough.
This feels like a permanent deficit in my life. No matter how hard I try, I still need more thinking time.
It is not something that happens quickly or easily. Often one great thought leads to another mental dead-end or mental end zone where "the flow" stops, and new challenges begin. Just when I begin to consider myself at the breakthrough point, I discover that I am actually at a new beginning, not a pivotal or well leverage place where I can leap into a thought leader position. Or where I can take the lead in some significant mental or conceptual place where a "lead" can be considered or claimed.
This striving though, has value all by itself, and can give a great deal of value. Like it's time to sleep right now.