Time scarcity

# Chapter 74

Time scarcity.

I just encountered this in the most disturbing manner. A large corporation filled with people who know me personally and hold me generally in high regard, their words not mine, were . . . ignoring me. They would argue violently against this assertion but let me assure you, they were ignoring me. Honestly this happens to me so rarely in my life, that it truly has some bite to it, and thus I am 100% certain that I was being ignored in actual real life. But from the perspective of those doing the ignoring, they simply did not have time to even say to their personal admin (yes they all have personal admins), “Hey Amy, text David that its ok. Make it happen.” Wow that took 5 whole seconds to type. Would have took Amy even less time since she is an admin and I am a poor typist on a good day.

And when I did finally have a voice to voice conversation with one of these overclocked execs, it was pretty much all a humble brag about how busy they were. I. Am. Not. Impressed. Nor do I admire them. Nor do I ever ever want to be like them ever again in this whole life. In fact, if I did not need them as a critical piece of my life, I would actually dump them. Generally I chose to never spend energy or time on people like this. Life with them is always a competition of who is most important, defined by who is most overclocked or busy. No thank you friend.

I want to live a life that is highly sustainable, filled with space and energy for me and my wife and my kids and my grandkids. And none of them gives a fig about how busy I may have chosen to be. They only care about how available I am to them.