Get your racing heart and mind under control

# Chapter 96


Inputs are not only external they can also be internal. What is going on in our racing hearts and heads is also an input. A noise. A challenge. An unignoreable cacophony. This is why I am up at 3:34 am writing this darn 275! Yes I am having some jet lag too, but its always the brain, always the brain. Once that kicks in, never gonna get back to sleep and I laid there two hours trying.

But it can also be worry, your to-do lists, your forgot-to-do lists, your kids, your grandkids, you job, your finances, your work, your failing car, your aging parents, your ever more forgetful spouse, your health, your bucket list, your lack of sleep when you have a full day today like I do! That’s your brain on acid or something, not really sure because I have never done acid, but your brain is going a million miles a second and those are inputs. They keep you revved up so high, you can’t get to the focus or produce the quality that you need.

And it can also be your heart, as in the loss of your brother, your mom dying, your dad lonely and sick, your marriage not going the way you had hoped, arguments, disagreements, the taxi cab driver rips you off, the customs agent yells at you, the passport officer grills you, your boss fires you, the other driver cuts you off, someone dents your car while you are buying groceries, whatever it is that gets your heart racing is an input. It too is something that has to be processed.

Limit your inputs. Change the world.