Which problems?

# Chapter 100

“For leaders, it’s not IF problems, but WHICH problems.” Karin Hurt and David Dye

Which problem are you going to solve, face, defeat, win over? No one has a problem free life. But if you make a conscious decision about WHICH problems you are intentional about solving, facing, defeating and overcoming, you can have a largely stress free life. Not problem free, but yes, stress free. If you have a problem free life, then you aren’t leading anything, including yourself.

And powerful. Choosing your set of problems, choosing which challenges you are gonna work on every day, is powerful. It is powerful because you get to choose. Which problem, which angle, which result, which outcome, where your blood, sweat and tears will be spent. Its not a problem or challenge or difficulty that someone else gave you and demands that you solve, its the one (or ones) that you are most interested in, that you most wish to resolve.

And freeing. Choosing which problems you are to tangle with every day, sets you free. Free to soar, free to dream, free to think outside the box, free to invent, free to rise to the top of the field, free to master this problem in the world and all its parameters.

And undistracted. Focus is now possible. Intensity is now yours. Intentionality is built in. Leverage is for the taking. You can unleash all your possibilities on this challenge. You can take this problem by storm. You can affect its outcome. You can laser in on all the fine details of this one problem.




“For leaders, it’s not IF problems, but WHICH problems.” Karin Hurt and David Dye