Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Pay up

# Chapter 101

“If you want to be successful, find out what the price is and then pay it.” - Scott Adams (read in a James Clear blog)

In other words, it costs what it costs.

My father-in-law’s favorite joke about doctors and lawyers was this one: An old man was dying and he called his doctor and his lawyer to his bedside, and had them stand on either side of his bed. He grasped their hands and laid there in silence. Finally the lawyer asked, “what are we doing here?” The old man replied, “I am a Christian and I want to die just like Jesus did, between two thieves.”

Whatever you think about lawyers and doctors this one thing you must admire about them, their work ethic. You become neither of these without a huge work ethic. They found out what the price was, and they paid it.

Or said another way, you will get what you are paying for. This applies pretty evenly across the board I think. Your productivity gives back what you invested as a general rule. The same is true for your fitness routine, your financial savings and investment plan, your scholarly pursuits, your relationships, your home, your waistline, your marriage, your self-development, your present, and your future.

If you have sought the price of success, and have decided to pay it, then you know that what I have written is true and accurate. If you have not agreed to pay the price of success, then why not? For with most things in life, you are already required to be there in class, at work, at home, why not shift your mindset to success, and stop just being a rockturd and couch potato?