Overcome by fear of fear

# Chapter 130

“It means that we should not dwell on our troubles until they materialize for they are often not as desperate as we fear.” Wheeler

“Ninety-five percent of what we fear never happens” Mark Twain

But everyone is afraid or at least has fears. Never met a person yet who didn’t have them. Have met lots of folks who denied having them, but time shows us our true colors. But honestly having fears isn’t the problem - being crippled by the fear of fears is the problem. The vast majority of people I have met in the last 57 plus years are burning up their mental and emotional bandwidth on problems and obstacles that only COULD cross their paths. They rarely materialize, but the effect is the same as if they did. People far too often live their lives as if their potential challenges are real and actual. As they called it in the old country, they are always borrowing trouble. Don’t! Seriously I mean DON’T!

Let’s be honest, everyone has challenges and troubles and difficulties, because anytime our expectations aren’t met, we think we have a problem. And a percentage of the population has super problems, a child with cancer, and dying parent, a lost job, bankruptcy, no indoor plumbing, garbage diving for food, begging on street corners, or sold into slavery. Not many of us face those super problem situations thank God, but we are equally as incapacitated as those with super problems, because of our fear of our fears, our obsession with what could happen or might happen. Thus the concept of insurance came into being.

Don’t get me wrong, I have insurance, am required by law to have it, but insurance is a rigged game and you and me will always lose. But I don’t have to add fear of my fears and worry and stress to the calamity as well.