Forced to detour
Chapter 332
You are trying to reach your destination. You are driving hard and relentlessly toward getting there. Suddenly all the traffic stops! You sit for an hour. You finally decide to get off the interstate and see if you can make your way around whatever is blocking the road. Actually the interstate has been closed! So cross-country it is whether you want to or not. Many of us have to be forced off the trail, in order to try something new and seemingly perilous. However most of the time you can find these detours to be delightful.
This scenario above actually happened to me yesterday. On second thought, it has happened to me many times in life. I have or had a plan and was so committed to that plan or trajectory, that I would not consider any diversions unless forced to. But once acceptance of the inevitable occurs, then you can relax and enjoy the detour for whatever it presents you.
So yesterday my enforced detour provided me with lovely vistas, winding twisty roads, unexpected views, rolling hills, green valleys and relief from the monotonous frenetic pace of the interstate highway.
I need to take more detours.