Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Chapter 350

"The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." ~ Confucius

Most of us spend our lives carrying small stones and that is why we get so much accomplished over the span of our very short lives. Consistency and persistence are two of my favorite topics and definitely my go-to dependable way to live life pieces. I am doggedly persistent, and somewhat less consistent, but I love these two virtues. Carrying away small stones is a great visual for moving the mountain using my fav strategum.

The point is at the end, that you can move any mountain you want to, with enough persistence and consistency. This means you have to sweat and lift, mentally or physically. This is where it breaks down for many people - because I don’t meet nearly enough people who want to lift and sweat, no matter how much they say this mountain is important to move. Their lack of action, does not agree with their words.

External factors which overpower your internal motivations and actions, informs you that you would “like” this mountain to move. You might claim that I don’t understand how powerful these external forces are, preventing you from moving your mountain. I say, carry a smaller stone. I say, want it more. If external factors consistently overpower your internal motivations and defeat you taking action, then you don’t want it enough, and/or you are trying to carry too much stone at one time.


Stop complaining about the mountain.

Get ‘er done.