
Chapter 351

Anyone who’s ever done something great with their life had to transform themselves from who they are to who they became. - Benjamin Hardy

We are all in transition. Some move at an incremental pace, others with giant leaps, but we are all in transition to becoming who we will be. If you are not, then you are most likely dead. But transition and transformation are not the same. Transition happens to everyone, whether they want it or not - life happens - I am now the parent to my parent kinds of things. We graduate from high school and nothing ever is the same again. We get married have kids and gray hairs. These transitions are universal.

Transformation is altogether a different animal. Sure it will also bring transition, but in a planned design sort of way. No one ever completed their doctorate without a plan. No one started an International Business to change the world without design and intention. No one shook off the shackles of their upbringing and moved overseas to live, without great sacrifice and planning. No one rides their bicycle across the USA without significant preparation and planning. 

All of these are transitions, but they are more than that, they are transformations. You have to reach deep to do the great things in life and that process changes you in a fundamental way, like nothing else. You can never go back to what you were, and you have taken a giant leap toward becoming something more and different. You have transformed.

This is intentional.

Requires planning.

Will change you forever.