When you are most alive

Chapter 341

"Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing." ~ Leo Buscaglia

For risk-averse people like me, I don’t particularly care for this statement. I am not a gambler, unlike the people of Eastern Europe where I live, who put gambling right up there with breakfast in importance. I only like to bet on sure things, and even then I feel like I could lose. I don’t like to make wagers, I am not competitive and I don’t think you can make money in a casino unless you are the owner. If I could only figure out a way to make money on death and taxes, now that would be a sure thing!

But Leo is not really talking about financial risks and investments, he is talking about love and life. Where you got skin in the game and losing will hurt far more than just a your pocketbook. It’s when you are this vulnerable that magic can happen. And once you have experienced and understood the magic, then the risk is worth it and you are all in. Even if it hurts, and maybe especially when it hurts. That’s what books are written about, overcoming and risking and taking a chance on someone and even though some may fail you, one or more come through and make it worth it.

Call it romance, and say it isn’t real, but you are wrong. It’s when you are most alive. It’s when life matters most. It is when the sun shines brighter and the days seems shortest. It’s when you are alive! All other moments in life pale in comparison.