In favor of tortoises
Chapter 359
As I'm driving along in South Carolina dictating this, I am feeling ever so thankful because I just missed a car accident by about 100 feet. After 20 miles of construction, traffic was compressed and concentrated very intensely into a tight pack, and suddenly the construction ended, and everyone who was in a great big hurry went crazy. The result was that 100 feet behind me two of those crazy fast in a hurry people, smashed into each other and stop traffic for miles and miles. I don't know who was hurt, or if anyone was, because I was ahead of the pack and I didn't stop. Just ever so thankful that I wasn't actually in the pile up!
Since I was being tailgated ever so closely by 15 different cars throughout that 30 miles of construction, this isn't the least bit surprising that these accidents happen. I was one of the very few old people driving evidently, who was giving the car in front of me some space. I mean I had like four or five car lengths between me and the car in front of me. Not only did the this not slow me down as we were traveling through the construction, but it also provided a great buffer for me in case of some recklessness on the parts of others. You can build margin into your life by the choices you make every day.
Remember the tortoise and the hare.