Guns or thinking?
Chapter 358
“Life might be a race against time, but it is enriched when we rise above our instincts and stop the clock to process and understand what we are doing and why. A wise decision requires reflection, and reflection requires a pause.” - Frank Partnoy
Today is pause day. Sunday. The one day in the week when I stop my regular schedule and do . . . other nothings. Said another way, this is a day to relax and think and pause our busy scurrying around, our relentless push to get stuff done, to finish this and that and all these other things. That constant push is draining you dry, emptying your soul, limiting your creativity, keeping you from your potential. All your energy is being burned up in the Push to get things done. Take a pause day, decide Why you are Pushing so hard. Understand what is motivating you, and take appropriate action.
While this all sounds reasonable and simple when I write it in a paragraph, few of us do this. Oh we are eager to take days off and do the silliest things, but Deciding and Understanding take intentionality and effort and energy of a different sort, and few around here “waste” their time thinking. There are guns to be shot, and dogs to be bred, and guns to be cleaned, and car races to attend, and guns to be organized. Thinking is for other people, or better yet no people! No mental effort to be exerted around here.
And thus is wisdom lost. Because there is no reflection, no thinking, no understanding, no pause in our scurry, we lose twice in the race against time.