
Chapter 355

Forgiveness is not forgetting. Forgiveness is freedom from hate.”

—  Valarie Kaur 

In these toxic scary fear-monging explosive days and times, grace mercy pardon and forgiveness are often never considered as a direction, a path, a road to choose. Especially in these days of blame, the suicide of liberty as I wrote two days ago, the path of forgiveness should be at the top of our considerations. Instead of rampaging about who has been most grievously injured or violated, who has had the most rights trampled, who is most oppressed, and who bears the most wounds, we could forgive.

We don’t need more rage, the world is burning up with that already and its not getting anyone anywhere they want to go. Rage just eats up the person raging, while indiscriminately destroying relationships, people and stuff around them. Rage destroys. It’s heals nothing, and hurts many. “But it forces change” some would argue, yet I would argue that it simply fosters more rage, rather than the sought for change. Love Faith and Hope are the three mainstays of greatness, not Rage Blame and Hate. What kind of world will I leave my children and grandchildren if I live by Rage Blame and Hate?

Forgiveness is not being a pushover so that someone can harm you again and again. Forgiveness is not passively allowing those actively doing wrong to go free or escape proper judgement. Forgiveness is setting your heart free from those very things that make your nemesis do the vile things they have aimed at you. Forgiveness is choosing a different character than the one your enemy’s cultivate. Forgiveness is freedom and liberty from the caustic corrosion of hate in your heart.