Chapter 3
Belief in yourself.
This is super critical from just about every perspective possible. It will and does affect everything you do and everything you attempt and everything you succeed at, and more importantly, if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either! And I am here to tell you that you need other people to really succeed. No one can get really amazing things accomplished without the help of others and then more others.
But it can be very difficult to have confidence, to believe in yourself. If you are one of the lucky people out there, then you will have someone else believe in you first and that will make it so very much easier for you to believe in yourself, to know that you can accomplish whatever you put your efforts toward. But most people haphazardly limp toward self-confidence and belief in themselves. I know that is the way it happen in me. And when I listen to people’s stories, that is how it seems to happen to them as well.
It kinda happens like an unsymmetrical snowball that you are rolling up, aiming toward a much much larger snowball. Once it gets to a certain size, it has its own momentum and is much easier to gain more size. But the start is always difficult. Getting it to roll, getting it round, getting more snow to stick to it because it has no weight to it yet. You get the metaphor. And belief in yourself is much like that. Keep at it until it has enough weight and momentum to continue expanding, largely in the background.
Change the world.