Beauty rest

Chapter 5

Jet lag with no jet

Today proves the lack of sleep is as equally bad as a terrible case of jet lag. The only difference is, you don't plan for a lack of sleep. At least I plan for jet lag. I know when it's happening, and I can schedule it, plan ahead, reduce all my expectations of myself for a few days after a transatlantic flight. But a lack of sleep, sneaks up and attacks you so unexpectedly.

I lay down last night at 9 PM, because I had a 7 AM meeting scheduled. I did not make my 7 AM meeting, because even though I lay down at 9 PM, I did not actually go to sleep until like 2 AM! A meltdown was going on between my ears, and made peaceful rest impossible. So here I am today on a long drive, sore, hurting, sleepy, grumpy, frumpy, and generally just ill tempered, and this is all from a result of a lack of sleep. This feels like a hangover without actually drinking any alcohol. I did not drink too much alcohol, nor flying a quarter of the way around the world, just a lack of good high caliber high quality sleep.

At almost 60 years of age, clearly my capacity to run all day on four or five hours of sleep is nearly zero. I'm simply not doing well today.

Moral of the story? Get your beauty rest.

PS: For whatever reason, just like a hangover often does, it got better later in the day, but that was one rough start and middle of the day. Please no repeat performances tonight!