Enlarge your mind
Chapter 18
My mind needs to enlarge, to handle all the changes happening in the world and in my life right now. I am sure you are feeling the same. I need an enlarged mind to take on this new mortgage I am signing up for. I need an enlarged mind to think about being here in the states for another year! I need an enlarged mind to grasp what is going on in every country in the world with Coronavirus. In fact all of these changes are related in some fashion to the virus and how it has affected all the systems in the world, and one change leads to another change which has led us to all these changes and far more than I could or would write down here.
In fact even as I write these words down on virtual paper, other thoughts are fighting to make their way to the forefront of my mental conversation and to-do list. I can’t finish one task, before the next is crowding in to take its place. This is why Ben Franklin said that you should never put off until tomorrow what can be done today. A task done is often one less thing on that list. One less item fighting for your mental space and room. One more accomplishment. And sometimes you just need to review the day carefully and remind yourself that you got more done than it feels like you did.
Because percentage wise, the more you have to do, the less each task registers on your DONE list. But that does not mean you didn’t get quite a few things accomplished. Enlarge your mind. Engage the present.