Soul stunting
Chapter 155
Most of us would be seized with fear if our bodies went numb, and would do everything possible to avoid it, yet we take no interest at all in the numbing of our souls. —EPICTETUS
Soul stunting is a favorite human pastime. Pleasure, entertainment and the pursuit of constant leisure is robbing our soul of life and depth, like robbing a plant of sunlight will stunt its potential completely. This gluttony of self is the opposite of what the soul yearns for and demands. Our souls were made for battle, challenge and life and death struggles.
Most people have such battles going on in their lives, but they usually shift the blame, responsibly and ownership to others. As I talk to other crotchety old men like myself, our favorite tune is “what she did” or “what she didn’t “ do. And let’s face it, our old wives are an ungrateful horde that never do what we wish, but they are not the problem. We are.
Instead of telling what our wives did or didn’t do, we need to be telling what we chose to do and how we took responsibility as much as can be taken, how we owned the challenge, how we choose to respond with grace and blessing for each injury they offer us. We need to un-numb our souls and live!
Honestly, complaining and whining sound much easier, and in truth are, but at the same time are far less satisfying. Living it, owning it, choosing to be 100% responsible for what occurs to me and mine is the path of the fully alive man. This is one who has a soul fully awake and engaged.