That thinking muscle
Chapter 153
To have an impulse and to resist it, to sit with it and examine it, to let it pass by like a bad smell—this is how we develop spiritual strength. This is how we become who we want to be in this world. - Holiday
I just sat through the latest Star Wars film yesterday with my grandson. Always an epic tale of good and evil, and the Emperor of the dark side lost once again. Because the good side of the force is ultimately stronger than the dark side? And why are they always trying to balance the force and the dark side?
Holiday is suggesting something quite revolutionary compared to the magic and power and light sabers of the movie - use your mind. Think damn you! Move this temptation from an overpowering urge and impulse to the category of something considered and rejected. Grow strong in thinking, not the force. Build that thinking muscle, build those successes over and over of making a solid choice, rather than being overpowered by your impulses. It is the definition of being an adult!
When you get here to this place, then you are at the place where you can become the person you want to be in this world. Your power will not be in The Force and whether it is strong in you or not little yoda, it will be because you chose to make a difference in the world. You engaged your mind, let that temptation pass like a bad smell, and took control of those things that are actually within your power to control. You are strong within yourself.