Lazy dedication
Chapter 181
Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."
I am starting to thinking that more obsession with things that matter, is necessary. The competition for our attention is intensifying. Only the most dedicated . . . er, obsessed people can resist their schemes. Think about Cal Newport, a famous author and thinker and professor, who uses almost nothing electronic. That one choice eliminates about 90% of the access the Attention Economy has on Cal Newport. And you instantly think/ask why don’t we all do that?? And its a great question!! And then you face falls as you think of what that means for you, for others, and you realize that they (nor you) will pay that price.
But its not a price to be paid, but rather an opportunity to be grasped. That of course is what the dedicated (obsessed) person thinks. The general population would perceive that as a price to be paid. You are so the object! You are what is being bought and sold here. Its a loud world that can’t stop talking, and if you are hoping to ever find some mental space and focus, then you have to find your obsession, you have to dig into your dedication. Make it about something wildly important and change-the-world level significance. Stop being the product!
“Dang David you sound rather . . . “ Yeah this is what obsession/dedication looks like, in case you didn’t know. Its a bit evangelistic because heck, you want everyone else to experience the same benefits you have. You want everyone to stop being the product, and become the fulcrum on which important stuff gets done.