Where all the combustion happens

Chapter 184

“Think about the significant issues renting space in your mind right now.” Art Petty

There are three important pieces here, “think” “significant issues” and “renting space”. But we need to look at them in reverse. 

What is renting space in your mind? Heck my dad can change his plans and behaviors based on what is renting space in MY mind, much less his. What do you have taking up space in your mind? What is eating all your bandwidth? What is consuming your mind? What is preventing you from falling asleep immediately at night? Write them all down. I call it a braindump. When I just empty out everything that is in there and put it on the paper and then I fall asleep more easily.


Significant issues. You should only give significant issues rental space. Utilize what you have and spend it on the significant things. Don’t waste your mental parking lot on unimportant things. This is more difficult than it sounds. Mental discipline is the last discipline, meaning it gets attention last in our list of priorities. Our mom’s yelled at us to clean our rooms, not our minds . . . unfortunately. Most people start gaining traction on mental discipline later in life, if at all, based on my observations. This is one of the great weaknesses of Western Culture. My Asian friends do not struggle with this but a fraction compared to my Western friends.

Thinking is where all the combustion happens. Its what moves the pistons. Without thinking, your mental engine is just a 400 pound paperweight.

“Think about the significant issues renting space in your mind right now.” Art Petty