Runnin’ on empty

Chapter 188

“You can’t parent or work or wife or whatever other verbs you’ve got going on when you’re completely depleted.” Score

Being 100% completely responsible for yourself is easier at some times than at others. When you are parenting is the most difficult I have found so far, whether it is your small children or your parents that you are parenting, these can be the most intrusive times in life - where another person’s agenda or needs supersede’s your own. When they are little and when they are old, they just need more of you and there are few options.

But  you still have to PTA, protect the asset, which is you, because your efforts are most critical. Without you, they will be very vulnerable. If you don’t take care of the asset, no one will. It is not selfish, it is necessary and wise. Allowing yourself to become completely depleted may win you awards for sacrifice, but none for caring and getting your stuff done around the world.

I used to work for an organization that promoted and admired the sacrificial martyr syndrome, but hey folks pay attention, even they have dumped this model because the price is too high. Obviously it is too high for the person that has destroyed their reserve and capacity to be effective and helpful, but it affects everyone around them as well and that includes the organization that they work for or with. 

Or you may have “some other verb” going on in your life, it doesn’t matter. You do. And if you allow your tank to get too empty, then you damage the body and the person you are at your best.

The bottom line is everyone pays, when you go too far.