Scarys are relative
Chapter 189
“Life is scary. So what are we going to do, curl up in a corner and hide from it?” - Cardello
I have lived the last 25 plus years in the Slavic world. It has always amazed me at how people’s perceptions of where I live, are skewed and scary. But then again, they are scared of their neighbors in America, so the former Yugoslavia and Russia are extra scary to them.
But these places aren’t scary. They are just regular people who love their parents, love their children, who want to love and laugh and grow old with people they care about.
The scary things in life are losing these loved ones, or taking risks, or mortality, or failing to reach your potential. These scarys (and all the others) are relative to the person. As a person who has flown millions and millions of miles around and around the planet for decades, it always seemed so strange to me that my granny Ruth’s greatest fear was flying in an airplane. On the other hand, granny Ruth wasn’t the least bit respectful about poking an 1800 pound bull in the ass with her walking stick, when she was in her 80’s! Something I would never do. Like I said, relative.
We all have parts of life and living that scare us and terrify us. And this freezes most people. Causes them to be incapable of taking action, of moving forward. The scary parts of life freeze them solid. It reduces their lives to small circles of repeating narratives of all they have to be scared of, and they stop living.