The religion of work

Chapter 173

“dependence on meaning and career spirituality” - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Time efficiency and FOMO and the whole idea that we MUST squeeze the maximum out of every second of our lives, has led us to some very bad ideas, some unsustainable ideas, and some confusing ideas. The topic today is one of those confusing ideas.

We reason that since we spend more time working than any other activity, then it is required to provide more than just resources for paying the bills. It is taking from us our largest chunk of time each day and so has to source something deep within us. Its the idea that we should, must, ought to get deep meaning from our vocations. We have elevated the ideal career to the spiritual levels of religion. We now expect our work to fulfill our souls, and to be a place where we express ourselves creatively and where we discover the capacities of our passions.

It seems apparent that everyone having a job that is meaningful and significant is rather impossible. As I sit here and think about this, it is difficult to imagine that 50% of the “jobs” in the world, would ever have a meaningful or significant element. They are necessary and important exchanges of time and effort for compensation, but doubtful that they will ever arrive anywhere on the meaningful and significance scale.

Obviously the economic engine that we choose to utilize, to fund our lives has many sides and aspects to it, and we should always choose carefully. But I can choose to do many meaningful and significant activities and roles, without work being one of them. Can’t I?