Hanging over a cliff
Chapter 172
"It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be." ~ Paul Arden
Continuing the same theme from the last chapter, people who are satisfied with where they are in life, often don’t have goals nor objectives. They have arrived. They are already there. They think there is no where else to move up or forward. They are so wrong.
They quickly find that the rest of the pack, catches up very quickly. I had a client who just refused to believe that anyone was ever going to catch him, much less surpass him. Needless to say, he is now a former client, and surprisingly, he is also jobless, aimless and loafing. Not sure there is a correlation, but the fact remains everyone caught up to him.
Tomorrow no one cares how good you were today. People who stop growing and developing are basically dead - either physically, or in your tracks, or in your progress.
This is a concept I have practiced continuously in my life. In fact I have already left two amazing jobs and positions that I had created over the years, in order to go and do something more difficult, more challenging, beyond where I was on that day. Maybe this current position is one that I ride until retirement, because I certainly haven’t found the outside boundary of the challenge here. My learning curve is very steep! As yours should be.
How good do you want to be?? Its a great question. But don’t just ask it, take action on it. Yes this is risky. I felt that intensely as I left two perfect jobs for the unknown frontiers. But you will never feel more alive than when hanging over the cliff.