Burning hours

Chapter 192

“...time is more valuable when you can see your mortality on the horizon.” Rath

At least your perception of time is more valuable. Its a change in its variable. Life moves from being this seemingly endless commodity to a seemingly very limited commodity. One that you can’t purchase more of! One that you can’t make more of! There is no “Time Store” anywhere. No one can buy more time. The richest and the poorest among us are in the same quandary, there is no more time to be had. Your time gas tank has a limited number of days in it, and that cannot be changed.

However, even though the amount cannot be changed, the quality can. How each hour is utilized and spent can be changed. How you choose to spend your allotted tank of hours is a choice you are making all the time, no pun intended. You choose each hour how to burn that one. You may not be active and intentional in your choice, but passively sitting in your chair is a choice too. This is part of being 100% responsible for yourself; recognizing this choice, and taking an active role in how they are burned and used.

You can do a great deal more with each one of your hours than you have to date. You know you can. You could change the world with your hours! You know you can. You could do something significant and meaningful with your hours. You could foster a child, ski a mountain, produce something better at work, call a friend (or enemy) that needs encouragement, you could mentor a co-worker, repair the neighbor’s car, learn to play the piccolo, . . . oh you get the picture. 

Pretty much its totally on you how you burn your hours.