Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Richer still

Chapter 191

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” —DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

This is a follow up to the chapter from yesterday. I find most people, including me, like this in idea form mostly.  Its a fine something to talk about, but it is not something that many pull the trigger on, at Life scale. And then interestingly enough, everyone THINKS they have! No matter how little they actually did for others, they measure themselves as great and generous people. People defend their great and generous acts for others, with a ferocity that always amazes me. This confuses me generally, because if you are actually generous and great with actions for others, won’t that be self-evident? I think so, and I have been in the service industry a very long time.

So don’t toot your own horn, others will when you consistently do for others. I see this happen every week with some member of my family. The really crucial piece to Dr King’s statement is the scope that he presses here - that this is THE question in life, the most important one, the quantifier of a life well lived, or not. If you find that you interest in this blog is dimming, then you most need to reconsider how much of your life is oriented toward yourself, and how much of your life is oriented toward others.