Your future part 3

Chapter 222

"I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life." ~ George Burns

Where are you going to spend the rest of your life? Well in the future of course. George is not the only person that this is true of, that we need to be looking to the future. But then again, maybe that is only partially true. What does that even mean? 

For me, I have been so future-focused, I have missed far too many of my present moments over the decades. The future never gets here in a sense. So in the end you have nothing to show for it. That is what being too future-focus will get you - empty hands. On the other hand, you have to be future-focused enough to build a life that you want, or otherwise you have nothing to look forward to at all. Life without anticipation is no life at all. To not have a future is to be dead in some fashion.

80 year olds like my dad, seem to look almost entirely to the past. Burns was likely trying to make a statement about how that is an error and that he was choosing to not be like most 80 and 90 year olds. My dad talks about the past 90% of the time, the present 9.9% of the time, and the future 0.1% of the time. I want to talk about the past 10% of the time, live in the present 90% of the time, and think about the future along the way maybe 40% of the time. The present is all we truly have, and the future is our hoped for present at a later time in life.

Where is your focus?