Wrong again!
Chapter 214
sometimes saying ‘I’m wrong’ is the only time you’re right
It can be difficult to admit you are wrong. It can be more difficult to admit how wrong you are sometimes. It can be most difficult to admit how often you are wrong. This wrongness level is pretty much true for everyone. Those you will come to admire most are those most willing to cop to it. The breadth and scope of knowledge is all but boundless, and no one can know more than a tiny sliver of all that knowledge. That means in the short story I am telling here, that we are wrong, very wrong, often.
In the Deep South where I grew up, this has multiple pain points, because one’s competence in all things southern, determines one standing in the social community. And if that doesn’t matter to you, then you ain’t southern to begin with, so move on to the next blog.
But I have noticed in recent years, that the internet is changing much of the posture of southern knowitallism. Now people speak with more care, and leave themselves a metaphorical back door in case they are wrong. Because dang it, everyone can google you now. It only takes a few swipes on my phone to throw doubt on your proposal of certainty.
Face it folks, we need to fact check the hell out of everything we are spouting these days, and trust me, someone will be fact checking you along the way. It smooths out nice long conversations a great deal though, if you just admit that this is what you think, but you may be wrong. I often am.