The piece that we all control
Chapter 251
To be credible, you have to be proud of what you do. - Rath
Credibility is plenty difficult to come by and if you aren’t proud of what you do, its going to much more difficult to be credible. Credibility is a reflection of you as a person and me as a person. It is you doing and thinking what you say you are all about. It is about a form of congruency that raises your trust factor. It is your actions and your words being in sync. It is you and I under-promising and over-delivering, consistently and dependably.
Authority and authenticity come from credibility. Believability and character are the underpinnings to credibility. Your credibility is how you are going to have your character judged for your whole life. Its important. If you want your credibility to be high and remain so, you need to be proud of what you are about. You think, “Well I am just a common laborer on an assembly line.” or “I am an unimportant cog in my huge factory.” or something along these lines.
While you may be correct about the content of what your job description consists of, that it may not be a change-the-world piece, but HOW you are doing it is where pride of what you do comes from. The quality of our labor is the piece that each one of us controls. Whatever you do, do it well and do it fairly. Instant credibility.
You can be proud of a job well done, even if it does not come with a high paycheck or lots of prestige or tons of visibility or fame. Pride in quality that you produce is totally legit, no matter what the content may be or not.