No longer captive
Chapter 248
In a world that has changed forever, and will never return to what it once was, hard work is never wasted. Our efforts still make a difference for everything. Getting what we want when we want it with little effort may be gone forever. And good riddance I say! This was making us weak. Hard work is never wasted.
Even if it has a limited effect on what you are working at, it has a great effect on you. Get moving, start living! Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It will be what you make it, unless you don’t make it into anything. Then it will be whatever takes the least effort to get and not enjoy. You will complain and complain and you have no excuses, no valid excuses at all. Decide right this very moment that you will be 100% responsible for what happens in you. You will be 100% responsible for your choices. No blaming and no complaining and no whining, these are your choices. Own them!
Then the fact that the world is irrevocably changing forever doesn’t matter overly. What matters is that you are applying consistent effort to upskilling, to learning, to projects that are changing the world, to endeavors to feed the hungry and release trafficked people from their slavery. These are the ones that capture my imagination, you can dream your own efforts and where you want to make a difference.
No longer are you captive to a life of leisure and ease which makes you weak and undisciplined. Now you are strong and powerful and you can change the world, because you found the power to change yourself.