
Chapter 256

It takes energy to hide things, and I would rather my energy be spent helping people. - Rath

Energy misspent. There is a great deal of that going around in the world. Deception is considered a fine art by many, and a natural and frequent part of their lives . . . and your life and my life, as our lives intersect with these people. 

Deception, lies, misdirection, and misrepresentations take a lot of energy to maintain. That means they are costly. And yes of course they are wrong but you already knew that and it didn’t keep you from going forward with your deception regardless. I am trying to help you see the other costs involved.

As you get older, managing your energy becomes the top priority of triage in your daily calculations. You stop trying to manage time and productivity directly and begin to focus on managing your energy, because that more and more becomes the fulcrum of how your daily life tips one way or the other. I am experiencing this myself, and I see it more intensely in my dad. He and I are working on a number of projects, and that work has to fall within a very narrow limited band of hours during the day, when he has the energy to actually do these projects without getting hurt. Yes we talk about the projects for hours, long after we have actually stopped working on them directly.

Therefore I am suggesting that you completely abstain from all forms of hiding things. Transparency has no residual ongoing energy requirements. Instead use all that energy you have to help others. You may find that this process actually s creates more energy than you had before!