The answer has always been no
Chapter 239
Is everything going to be the way it was and the way I expected it to be?” then the answer is no. The answer to that question is always no, it always has been. - Seth
The past is past and it is never going to be that way again. This has always been true. Things are not the way that they were when you where in first grade, or fifth grade or high school. They never will be again. The past is past and it can be no other. The real issue here, is our nostalgia about the past, and our desire for things to be simpler and less complex and less stressful and more predictable and more of what I expect. But this too will never be again. We must change our posture and expectations.
Especially as the whole world is about to shut down. And COVID-19 is only the beginning, as COVID-20 and the then COVID-21 will challenge our status quo once again in the future. No things will never be the same as they were, and it has been ever true. Time goes only forward, never backwards.
I am currently living with an 80 year old man, who spends about 90% of his thinking and talking in the past. All he talks about is the past. He is talking about a ghost that only exists in his mind.
What he and I both need to be talking is the present and near future. We need to let the past stay where it is. The present and future are changing faster and fast. What is our position going to be on this?