The development of me

Chapter 240

What matters the most on a daily basis?

Whatever those things are, you need a systemic way to make sure they get done first or when your energy is highest in the course of the day. For me that would be my mornings. For some of you, perhaps it is your afternoon or evening, though I can’t get my brain around that, but knock yourself out.

So what matters most on a daily basis? Perhaps you will need to do some careful analysis or perhaps it will be obvious to you, but what matters most on a daily basis are the actions that get you the fartherest down the road, toward your goals, where you are going. Not necessarily the noisiest loudest most urgent thing, but that which advances your agenda the most consistently. This may be counter intuitive for you, for instance I thought email was what matter most on a daily basis for years, until I realized it wasn’t.  But I am in the communication business (most people are) and thinking that email was at the top of the list was understandable. But wrong.

After years of looking at this and tweaking this and evaluating this, it became abundantly irrefutably clear that developing me, was what matter most on a daily basis. Your mileage may vary, but this is it for me. Each morning starts with working out my mind, my soul and my body. This has actually become my whole morning many days. Everything else in my life runs from this core ongoing development of me.

Nothing else gets touched until my morning development time happens. This is what matters most on a daily basis for me.