Learning overload

Chapter 266

Daniel Gilbert quipped that “human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished” From Brain Pickings

We are definitely works in progress and we definitely are not finished being developed and yes, unfortunately most of think we are closer to finished than we are in actuality. It seems to get worse as we get older. Ok, maybe its the worst in the teenage years, but you get what I mean. Everything is worse in the teenage years.

It seems to be very difficult for many to admit that they need coaching or help or a teacher or development, or that they even still have progress to make in their lives. This astounds me, because my experience is just the opposite, the older I get the more I have to learn. In fact my learning curve has never been higher. One of my secret fears is that I will get overwhelmed with my learning curve! It is seriously that high. I am starting to learn a whole new industry - antique car restoration. In the last eight months I have taken an ancient old rusty, spider web covered engine block that hasn’t run in decades and rebuilt it to a sweet purring kitten! I have taken a old ancient piece of metal that used to be a truck, and am currently cutting, welding, braising, sanding, bending, replacing, painting, priming, and rebuilding it into a truck again. I am learning how to do all these tasks from pretty much zero. My dad is a pretty good teacher even at 79 years old. But all this learning! This is why I have a fear of learning overwhelm . . . 

And why I have never had more fun in my life.

And why you should try and fail at something today.