The life of the party?

Chapter 293

Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.”

—  Pablo Picasso 

This is very problematic for most everyone in the world. I guess that is why there are so few Picasso-level artists in the world. But more to the point, this is why there is so little Picasso-level effort and accomplishment in the modern world. Oh why not just say it, this is why there is so minuscule Picasso-level effort and accomplishment in my own life.

We don’t treasure or measure our great solitude, we measure how many friends we have, how social we are, how much we have gone in debt to purchase stuff, and other innocuous things, but we rarely ever strive and reach for “serious work”. Work that will change the world, work that will scale and affect everyone in a positive way, a life that is full and meaningful and significant. If you turn this statement around and look at it from the other direction, it becomes clear that few of us are interested in paying the price for either serious work or solitude. This is the critical point, we don’t want to pay the cost of a great solitude, and most would not know what to do with it if they had it.

Our current Coronavirus isolation complaints of boredom, everyday feels the same, watching eight hours of netflix a day, doing anything and everything we can to avoid solitude at all! Never will you find a great solitude with this approach. And most of us are more than ok with that. We want entertainment, amusements and fun. What is serious work anyways? Too often we want to be the serious life of the party, rather than producing something magnificent.